You do not have permission to use blocking webRequest listeners. Be sure to declare the webRequestBlocking permission in your manifest

回答 2 浏览 1648 2022-09-07

我试图用react js开发我的第一个chrome扩展。当我试图在chrome扩展中使用chrome.webRequest API封锁一个URL时,在错误页面显示了两个错误。

'webRequestBlocking' requires manifest version of 2 or lower.

Unchecked runtime.lastError: You do not have permission to use blocking webRequest listeners. Be sure to declare the webRequestBlocking permission in your manifest.


  "manifest_version": 3,
  "name": "Chrome Extension",
  "description": "First Extension",
  "options_page": "options.html",
  "background": {
  "service_worker": "background.bundle.js",
  "matches": [
 "action": {
 "default_title": "Open Extension",
 "default_icon": "icon-34.png"
 "icons": {
 "128": "icon-128.png"
 "content_scripts": [
   "matches": [
   "js": [
   "css": [
 "devtools_page": "devtools.html",
 "web_accessible_resources": [
  "resources": [
   "matches": []
  "permissions": [
 "host_permissions": [


  function(details) {
    return {cancel: true};
  {urls: [""]},


Tharuka Dananjaya 提问于2022-09-07
我们不能使用Manifest V2。谷歌Chrome扩展开发文档告知了这一点。" As of January 17, 2022 Chrome Web Store has stopped accepting new Manifest V2 extensions. We strongly recommend that new extensions target Manifest V3."Tharuka Dananjaya 2022-09-07
使用声明性的NetRequest来代替。wOxxOm 2022-09-07
2 个回答
#1楼 已采纳
得票数 2

该错误解释了它自己 'webRequestBlocking' requires manifest version of 2 or lower. 所以你不能在manifest 3中使用webRequestBlocking

但chrome给出了一个替代方案,即使用declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess API witch,通过指定声明性规则来阻止或修改网络请求,你可以查看这里以了解更多细节。

monim 提问于2022-09-07
得票数 0


Saiful 提问于2022-09-07
Adriaan 修改于2022-11-21
但在google chrome扩展开发文档中告知了这一点。 " As of January 17, 2022 Chrome Web Store has stopped accepting new Manifest V2 extensions. We strongly recommend that new extensions target Manifest V3."Tharuka Dananjaya 2022-09-07
但webRequestBlocking在v3中不工作。Saiful 2022-09-07
更新Manifest V3迁移指南,它可能有助于转换,而不是Saiful 2022-09-07