You can’t borrow a mutable reference to a read-only value.

回答 2 浏览 52 2022-11-20

几周前我买了本书Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development 2nd Edition,用来学习Rust。目前,我正在为&Tmut &T的话题而苦恼。


You can’t borrow a mutable reference to a read-only value.


softshipper 提问于2022-11-20
这意味着你永远无法从&T&mut T(安全)。例如,let x = &5; let y = &mut *x;不会被编译。isaactfa 2022-11-20
@isaactfa 不,你永远不可能从&T&mut T。期间。无论是否安全。Chayim Friedman 2022-11-20
也许一点上下文可以帮助我们理解作者的意思?Chayim Friedman 2022-11-20
@ChayimFriedman 但你可以cafce25 2022-11-20
@cafce25 您还“可以”创建数据竞争。但这是 UB(Miri也标记了这一点)。Chayim Friedman 2022-11-20
2 个回答
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let a = 99;
let b = &mut a;
cafce25 提问于2022-11-20
如果这就是这本书的意思,那就太脆弱了。将值移动到可变绑定仍然可以让您改变它。Chayim Friedman 2022-11-20
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在 Rust 中,变量默认是不可变的。 您只能将变量借用为可变的如果这些变量本身声明为可变的。


let x = 42;
let mut y = 42;
let _a = &x;  // This is fine
let _b = &mut x; // This is NOT 
let _c = &y;  // This is fine (even though y is mut)
let _d = &mut y;  // This is fine


let mut y = 42;
let r = &y;  // This is fine
let m = &mut r;  // This is NOT (cannot borrow `r` as mutable, as it is not declared as mutable)
at54321 提问于2022-11-20
at54321 修改于2022-11-20